- Ravel‘s orchestration of Mussorgksy‘s Pictures at an Exhibition, performed by the Philharmonia Orchestra conducted by Esa-Pekka Salonen at the BBC Proms in August 2006
This post is an addendum to Cowengate and Freedom of Expression (above). In the original version of that post, I had a paragraph of links to other coverage. Like Topsy, that paragraph growed and growed, so I’ve taken the list of links out of that post and put them here.
A A view from an Irish couch | Adam Maguire | AFP | Alexia Golez here, here, here and here | An Fear Rua | Antiwar Newswire | Arse end of Ireland here (also here) and here | Art blog by Bob | Art info here and here | Artosphere | Arts Management
B BBC here, here, here and here | Beaut.ie | Belfast Telegraph here, here and here | Blather.net here and here | Blog with a silly name | Boards.ie here, here etc | Bodytonic forum | Bock the Robber here, here, here, here, here and here | Brandenton Herald | Bruno | But as for me
C Caricatures Ireland here, here, here, here, here and here | Cerandor | Cheebah | Chess Club Party | China Daily | Christina McSorley | Cian Ginty | Clamnuts rants | Clockwork Chartophylax here, here and here | Compton Valence | Conor’s Bandon Blog here and here | Counago and Spaves | Creative Ireland | Culch.ie | Cupid Stunt
D Daithai C | Damien Mulley here, here and here | Darragh Doyle | Dazed in the Life | Dec’s Rambling | Deaglán de Bréadún | Dossing Times | DotWebs | Doubtful Egg | Draw Breath | Drive-by blogging
E Eidetic Opacity here and here | Een Vlaming in Ierland | Englishman’s Castle | Entertainment.ie | Esker Riada | Evening Herald here here and here | Everything but the kitchen sink
F Famewatcher | Fat Fecker | Fear and Loathing in North Tipperary | Ferghal Sexton | First Post | Foot.ie forum | Foreign Policy | Fragment Frivolous | From Bath to Cork with Baby Grace | Functioning Alcoholic | Fústar here, here and here
G Gadget Republic | Gaius C | Gav Reilly | Gavin here, here, here and here | gaelick here and here | Gombeen Nation | Grand Gesture | Guardian
H Head Rambles | Huffington Post | huffnpuffpolly | Hugh Durkin | Holy Shmoly! | Howard Town Brewery
I iGaeilge | I have grave news | Infowars | Inky Inky Finger | Inside View | ITN | Irish Election here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here | Irish Examiner here, here and here | Irish Independent here, here and here | Irish KC | Irish Studies Review blog | Irishstu | Irish Times here, here, here, here, here and here | iVenus forum here, here, here and here
J JC Skinner | John Braine | John Keyes
K K8 the GR8 | Keith @ Granite Shavings | Kevin Coleman
L Le Figaro | Le Monde | Le Parisien | Liam Murray | Little Beloved | Lucy Takes Off | Lucy’s drowning
M Mail Online | Maman Poulet here, here, here, here, here and here | McGarr Solicitors | Media Lens Message Board here and here | MetaFilter | Morrigan reborn here, here and here (pointing to here) | Mushtastic
N New York Times | Niall O’Loughlin | Nick Fegan | No ordinary fool | Not good for my rage | Northern Notes
O Omnium here here, here, here and here | Ost Blog | Open-Heart Branding | Over the Bridge | p45.net
P Paddy Duffy | Paddy Power | Paul Owen | People’s Republic of Cork forum | Poldraw here and here | Politics.ie here, here, here, here, etc | Popcorn politics here and here | Pricewatch | Public Inquiry here, here and here | Pursued by a bear
R Recession | Red Cafe | Red Room | Riemann’s Cut | Richard MacKinnon | Rick O’Shea | Rolfe’s Random View | Romandie | Ron Broxted | RTÉ here, here and here
S Salon des Libertés | Seattle PI | Sharona’s Shambles | Silicon Republic | Sky Scraper City | Sliamh.net here and here | Spectator | Smemon.com | St8ment – Urban art | State of the Nation here and here | Stephen Spillane | Stitch and Bear and and here | Stunned.org | Sunday Tribune | Sundry | Susan Hated Literature | Suttonhoo
T tagesschau.de | taint.org | The Craic | The Little Green Bug | The Molly blog | The Postman | The Sexy Pedestrian | thoughtwax | Times Online here, here, here and here | Tiny Planet here and here | Tir na Blog | Tom Doyle TALK | Trust Tommy | Tuppenceworth | Twenty Major here and here | 200 words here, here, here, here and here
W Wallpaper | When Saturday Comes | Will St Ledger | Wolfiewolfgang
Note: There will be no further additions – the text of this post is now closed. Check out Salon des Libertés and the links in bold above for more developments. Update (29 March 2009) despite my best intentions, I kept coming across more Cowengate links, and I have consolidated them into a further post here.
Wow! Comprehensive! Nice work Eoin, I’m sure this’ll come in handy for future social historians :)
Thanks Allan. I’m not sure that future social historians will be all that interested in this little issue. But given that I started collecting these links, I just kept going. At some point, sanity will kick in, and I’ll return to real life. In the meantime, keep up the good work on Caricatures Ireland.
Wow an A-Z, impressive work! I hadn’t seen a lot of these yet.
Oh, I wouldn’t underestimate where this might go Eoin.
I’m not sure I agree, Allan. If, as seems likely, no charges are brought against our intrepid artist, then I don’t see it going very much further to be honest. And my sanity will be glad of that, as I don’t fancy having to update the post above! On the other hand, if it does go to another level, I’m sure I’ll be adding my voice to the tumult.
Even if no charges are brought against the artist, the damage has already been done, by the politicians and the police who abused their power. Threatening this poor man with prosecution is in itself intimidation, and a disgraceful misuse of authority. It’s also an assault on democracy and something we can’t tolerate..
I couldn’t agree more, Bock. As with TJ’s similar comment to my accompanying post, I wish I’d said in my post what you said in the comment.
Is it possible to have any more hyprelinks on a site than you do?
Thank you for this, Eoin, it’s good work and a very useful resource for posterity.
Eoin, Can you remember who had the post with the Angela Merkel dolls? I’m getting into a very strange conversation on German law.
Allan: If Eoin doesn’t mind I’ll step in here – you might be thinking of Omnium or The Poor Mouth.
Allan: all conversations about German law are strange! :-)
Stan: thanks for stepping in, I confess I’d seen so many posts I couldn’t begin to remember what was where!
That was it. Eoin, put your feet up. Thanks folks.
‘Stepping in’ here, to thank you very much for taking notice of Omnium, Mr. O’Dell, and to leave at least a short com(pli)ment: Chapeau!
I shall certainly come back.
In case Allan does so, too: Feel free to contact me, Mr. Cavanagh, if you think I could be of help on your quest. :)
Finally, Stan: Thanks, also in the name of Jams O’Donnell Esq.. :)
I am amazed that most web commentators seem to support RTE’s decision to treat news as satire. The tone it adopted covering this story went beyond its remit to report events factually and seriously. It could even be construed as legitimising the satire of the portraits and an apology was appropriate for a lapse in editorial judgement.
Neither can I understand why people are suprised the Gardai are involved. If I went into the National Gallery and hammered a painting into the wall for my own gratification I would expect to be interviewed by the Gardai.
i usually get annoyed when the papers obsess over a fluff story.
@Niall, 2 things:
The RTE piece wasn’t satire. It was news reported in a tongue-in-cheek way.
People are disgusted that the Guards are so motivated to catch an alleged vandal that they demanded emails from Today FM without a warrant, they were there at the behest of “the powers that be”, and they only escalated the investigation after the RTE report.
It took the Guards weeks before they went near Anglo, and they might have bankrupted the country.
Understand now?
“The RTE piece wasn’t satire. It was news reported in a tongue-in-cheek way.”
Either way it is beyond RTE’s remit. The original broadcast was inappropriate and an apology was justified regardless of the other events surrounding it.
Regarding the warrant, if I was a Garda I would ask for information first of all before I went through the protocol of securing a warrant; that just seems like good working practice.
Being there at the behest of the “powers that be” could mean a lot of things, eg Garda top brass.
That they only escalated the investigation after the RTE report is hardly surprising; if journalists are ringing them up asking how the investigation is going they would be sure to pull the finger out to make themselves look productive.
All in all I think a mountain has been made out of a molehill in all of this.
The damage has already been done, by the politicians and the police who abused their power. Threatening this poor man with prosecution is in itself intimidation, and a disgraceful misuse of authority. It’s also an assault on democracy and something we can’t tolerate..